
Showing posts from June, 2017

Creativity and New Media

                     I have never really had the time to check out these virtual reality worlds out since I played runescape back in middle school. With this Assignment I had the opportunity to look for some virtual reality worlds and I did exactly that. After looking at some of these websites I found out how expensive living another life could be! Anyways I chose this website Second Life, which allowed me to create my own avatar and submerge into another world. The process of signing up was very interesting as it seems that everything these days is connected with Facebook, because at the end of the day they have all your information and it allows the virtual world to be shared with your friends.                                                  After signing up I was given the choice to sign up to a free or premium account. It blows my mind that somebody would actually pay $6 to have an avatar and create his own house!   I obviously chose the free account and was able


                                                                          New Media has brought together a whole new dimension to the way people live their lives. I want to focus on the employment/jobs that it has bought over these past few years for creatives. In the paper, “ YouTube TrafficCharacterization: A view from the Edge ”, we get an idea of how YouTube allows the sharing of creativity. According to the estimates found in this study, 100 million video views are recorded in YouTube per day. It also states that YouTube accounts for approximately 60% of the videos watched on the Internet. Lastly more than 65, videos are uploaded per day.   All these numbers are extraordinary, however this study was done in 2007. The numbers should be way higher after 10 years. Today videos get viewed in the millions and some even hit the billions. With all this viewership marketing departments have seen this as a gateway to promote their products. Many individuals are hired with the pu

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

It’s 2017 and virtual reality is stronger than ever. I myself haven’t gotten into the wave of joining virtual worlds or experiencing virtual reality with the headsets that are now available, but have seen great review and excitement. In a conference I recently attended we focused on the good things of virtual reality, such as using it in medicine and preparing the doctors of tomorrow. There was also the though of using virtual reality for designing experiments, traveling, and building. All of these things are really exciting for the future of our society. However virtual reality worlds has its cons, as discussed in the conference, Virtual reality has the power to make you live in another world, cause disruptive behavior, could cause identity issues, and no rules to was is fair in the virtual world. These were just some of the things discussed. We further see this in the article by News24, “ Virtual world may impact real world behavior ”, the article examines taking on heroic o

Social Networking Sites

                                Where should I start? Like I had said previously in one of my posts I did not get into any social networking site until this past September when I was sort of forced to make some (read below). I mean I did have a Facebook back in middle school and towards the beginning of High School but than it got so annoying plus none of my friends were there because they were moving into the new thing at that time, which was Instagram. I never made it too Instagrm because I have a hard time taking pictures, it’s just not my thing. I walked away from social media for about 3 years, until I had to make a Facebook account for a group project in my English class. I barely use Facebook these days unless someone sends me an invite for an event and I have to accept or my family from Ecuador wants to do a video call. It’s simply not that fun, especially with all the video advertisements that I just saw when I opened it.               Where do I start with Twitte

Blog Social Networking

                               In 1997 the first social media site that everyone can agree actually was social media was a website called Six Degrees. Six Degrees allowed users to create a profile and then friend other users, similar to social media giant Facebook that most people use today. Fast forward to 2017 and social media has become a daily part of everybody’s life. Social media today consists of thousands of social media platforms, all serving the same but slightly different purpose. For example Instagram caters to the kind of person that communicates through photographs best, and other platforms such as Twitter are perfect for those who communicate in short bursts of information.             When signing up to a social media platform you are asked different questions such as, age, gender, residence, relationship status, education, etc. Than you start communicating/networking with friends, family members and even strangers. Without knowing you have also agreed to sha


                    If you don’t know what a wiki is, than you don’t know what the Internet is. Wiki’s were created with one thing mind, allow users to create, modify and organize the content of a web page. Remember encyclopedias? Well this is the encyclopedia of today’s generation. One of the most popular Wiki’s around is Wikipedia, which in an article in 2009, “ Wikipedia to limit changes to articles on people” by Noam Cohen , states that the site had surpassed three million articles in 2009. True to the idea that anybody around the world could contribute and edit the web page, a governing body from Wikipedia has decided that its time to make the site more, “mature and dependable” according to the same New York Times article by. This comes upon the realization that the site is influential and dependable to people. Remember when they told you in middle school or high school to never use Wikipedia? Well its because anybody could edit information that was posted! In recent years