
                 With the new media that has been developed alongside the new technology, privacy and confidentiality have become huge issues. This is especially true with Social networking platforms since anybody who has access to a computer and internet can search for you and find pictures, information and locations of your individual self. When you have a social media platform you don’t only have your friends as an audience but pretty much everybody who has internet. The exposure of your personal information can lead to sexual harassment, stalking, and other types of cyber-attacks that invade your privacy. Your confidentiality and privacy are in great danger if the right steps are not taken to protect them. Social Media platforms have settings where you could protect yourself form these great dangers but make it difficult to understand and change setting so that posts can be for exclusive viewing of family and friends in your network. The best example is the recent new feature of Snapchat allowing your location to be shared with your friends. Dani Deahl from the Verge calls it, “The biggest privacy Threat” If you think about it anybody who follows you in this platform can have your exact location at time. In addition, the feature is very vague as to what it means of sharing your location because one might think it’s only sharing your location when you’re sharing a story but in reality it’s sharing your location every time you open the app. This issue of privacy and confidentiality has been a great debate ever since the creation of social media and I truly feel the situation has gotten worse because social platforms don’t seem to care about their user’s since they keep on signing up.


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